Quitting is just half the story: the truth behind the ‘Great Resignation’ | US unemployment and employment data | The Guardian
“We know there are millions of people who are still out of the labor force because of health and safety concerns. We know that parents are out of the labor force because of ongoing COVID-related care responsibilities.”
For Misty Heggeness, an economist at the U.S. Census Bureau, this last aspect is particularly concerning as there is a growing gap between mothers and fathers in how they engage in the labor market.
“If we’re really going to bring gender equality into the 21st century, we have to have a serious reckoning with established gender norms around care.”
In her analysis of the employment outcomes of parents, she found that in September and October of this year, there were 1.4 million fewer mothers actively engaged with the labor force than those same months in 2019.
For the full article, visit the Guardian website